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Greneda Foundation

A new group called the Grenada Foundation (UK) has recently been formed. Comprising Grenadian nationals and others, it is designed as a vehicle for anyone interested the social, economic and political situation in Grenada and the wider Caribbean. The Grenada Foundation also allows for contributions to developments in the region.

The Foundation believes that the situation in Grenada is tragic, with the country’s political leaders appearing not to have a coherent idea of how the country is to be pulled from its current economic and social morass. The Foundation also believes that this state of affairs affects other countries of the Caribbean.

With this in mind the Foundation is planning a conference in London in April 2013 on the subject of Sustainable Development for the Caribbean, with an examination of the situation in Grenada. Some of the themes proposed for discussion include gender, education, health, tourism, transport and infrastructure, art and culture, family development, the economy, governance and democracy, food security and sustainability, agriculture, law reform and youth.