
Contribution (as you or your department can afford)

Radical Americas 2019 Programme

CPE volunteers, Grenada Revolution

UCL Institute of the Americas, 51, Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PN
Friday 13th September

09:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-10.50 PANEL ONE: Radical Responses to Environmental Crisis

JARMAN, REBECCA Commemorating Disaster: Fifty years since the Yungay Landslide and the conflicts that have ensued
BAKER, EMILY ‘Nature’, Sovereignty and Eco-Terrorism in Ricardo Piglia’s El camino de Ida and Pola Oloixarac’s Las constelaciones oscuras
DOMENICO, GIANNINO Looking for an Innovative Environmental Imagination. Transnational Legal Tools for the Anthropocene: the Latin-American Environmental Ius Commune
Chair TBC

10:50-11:10 Coffee

11:10-12:30 PANEL TWO: Modes of Resistance

KENT, ELIZABETH Title TBC (Gender and Dirty War in Mexico)
McGEOCH, GRAHAM Revolt, Rebellion or Revolution: The Malês radical Islamic uprising in Brazil (1835)
MENDEL, RON The Occupy Movement in the American Radical Tradition
Chair TBC

12:30-12:50 Presentation: 40th Anniversary of the Grenadian Revolution (Steve Cushion)

12:50-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:50 PANEL THREE: Conflict and Oppression

JEGIC, DENIJAL Angry, White, Zionist – The Euro-American Far-Right in Palestine
ROIBAL FERNÁNDEZ, FRANCA Troika of Tyranny: Propaganda and Brainwashing in Today’s World
BRADBURY, PABLO Resistance to Argentine State Terror and the British Left
Chair TBC

14:50-15:10 Coffee

15:10-16:30 PANEL FOUR: Navigating Intermediaries

ROONEY, ISABELLA Gendering the Revolution: Bohemia, Power and Culture in Post-Revolutionary Cuba (1960-85)
WEAVER, ELLEN Representations of the Bumidom: Reembodied histories in Jessica Oublié and Marie-Ange Rousseau’s bande dessinée, ‘Péyi an nou’
MILES, PENNY Sebastián Lelio’s Una Mujer Fantástica: Intimate Citizenship, Trans Activism and the Gender Identity Law in Chile

16:30-16:50 Coffee

16:50-18:10 PANEL FIVE: Radical Identities and Methods

CLAYTON, OWEN Puns, Politics, and Pork Chops: The ‘insignificant magnitude’ of T-Bone Slim
AMARA, SHENEEZ Method: Anti-racist Feminism and Latin American Studies
BICKERS, GEORGE FRANCIS The Oakland Panther’s Performative Occupations as Anti-State Spatial Resistance and (De)Construction
Chair TBC

18:10-18:30 Drinks Break

18:30-20:00 Plenary Panel: Conjunctural Crises and the Left: Drugs, Violence and Racism in the Americas (Participants TBC)
Chaired by William Booth

20:00 Conference Dinner and Drinks