Waltham Forest Trade Union Council (WFTC) was pleased to welcome strikers, trade unionists and supporters to its Solidarity Rally earlier this week. At this very vibrant meeting decisions were made to support local strikers – mainly key workers – over the Christmas season and into the new year. Many sensed that joint strike action of all unions may well be on the cards in the not-too-distant future, and all laid the blame unequivocally at the door of intransigent employers and the Tory government.

Speakers described terrible working conditions.

RMT underground worker Nathan Wallace described “how it is not just about our pay not keeping pace with inflation, but the employers’ proposals to cut maintenance workers by half, and to shut ticket offices.” He declared they were in the “fight of their lives” not just for themselves but to ensure passengers travelled in safe conditions.

Len Hockey of Unite at Whipps Cross Hospital explained how unions can win. He said, “My union Unite has been involved in 480 disputes nationally over the last period, with 80% counted as wins, resulting in £200million in extra wages for workers.” He also highlighted: “A TUC study showed how shareholder pay-outs have soared £440billion above inflation. So, there is money in the system!”

Jordan Rivera of Unison at Homerton Hospital described how hospital staff had come through the austerity years, then the pandemic and were now, for their pains, being offered a miserly pay increase. She also denounced the anti-union laws that, in effect, stopped workers from striking, even where there was a vote for action by the majority. She urged support on the day of the next RCN strike December 20th. “There are plans for a protest march from University College Hospital near Euston to Downing Street.”

Linda Taaffe secretary of WFTC promised: “Wherever there is action in the borough WFTC will be visiting those picket lines – especially the four postal sorting offices at Leyton, Leytonstone, Walthamstow and Chingford. We are especially alarmed to hear that around 100 CWU reps have been suspended nationally by management. This obvious union victimisation is an outright attempt to intimidate strikers. We urge the public to go to these picket lines and show support.” WFTC will also be organising collections, and a big fundraiser, for all strikers, but especially CWU members who are losing a full day’s pay every time they strike.

She added: “On December 21st ambulance workers are due to strike. WFTC are preparing to join the picket at Whipps Cross ambulance station, and we call on all residents to come along to show wide community support for ambulance workers, all hospital staff and for a fully publicly funded NHS.”

For further information contact Linda Taaffe, Secretary, Waltham Forest Trades Council 0795 228 3558