Conference Registration with PayPal

Registration rates for our 2024 conference are as follows:

The regular conference registration fee is £40 (+ £15 membership). The concessionary rate (for students, or those without institutional support) is £20 (+ £15 membership)

Membership of the Society for Caribbean Studies is mandatory for conference attendance and should be added to the conference fee unless you have paid it already, have paid for 5 years previously, or are a Life Member of the Society.

If you would like to contribute a donation towards the costs of offering the Bridget Jones Award in future years, please add it to the final amount payable.

Please press the “Donate” button below, insert the amount payable and you will be transferred to the PayPal website.

The button says “Donate” rather than “Pay Now” because of a quirk of PayPal that is beyond our control, do not worry, it will be treated as a payment.

Full conference fee £40 plus £15 Membership = £55

Concessionary rate £20 plus £15 Membership = £35


Full conference fee for existing members = £40

Concessionary rate for existing members = £20